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767 Catlins Valley road RD2 Owaka 9586

The Cultivars has been for sale since 2008 but the vendors are now motivated to move on and sell out at a reasonable price. This is a unique opportunity to own outright the only Generic New Zealand Landrace Industrial hemp cultivar’s without the necessity to obtain permissions from offshore owners. Vendor has already identified/created the only five Generic Landrace approved New Zealand cultivars, there remains a huge amount to do specifically re homogenization in commercial quantities. The vendor likely doesn’t have the resources or desire to continue time for something different like retirement. Therefore the vendors are motivated to sell at a realistic price Aotearoa1, 31st July 20082.A1 Monopurp26bruay 2019. 3.A1 MACMONO 30 June 2020. 4.A1 Comseed 30 June 2020 5.A1 HCFX 22nd September 2021 The cultivars have been on the market since 2008 but only a very few serious offers have been forthcoming. This is a unique opportunity to own a serious Industrial Hemp seedstock almost unhindered by offshore or a multitude of owners. The desired outcome sought is for the seedstock to be owned by the whole Aotearoa New Zealand Hemp industry as it develops. To date no collective et al has expressed a serious interest. The vendor has been involved for over 35 years and is motivated to sell at a reasonable possibly even a fantastic price for the purchaser; dependent.FOR INQUIRIES RE SEEDSTOCK SALE CONTACT MACK 03 415 8888 0204 1228 177only thankyou.

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Tony van der Lem Director Hempseedholdings Limited 


Mobile phone: 021344505

AOTEAROA1 Cultivar description plus sub
Owned by Hempseed Holdings Ltd Shareholders
Mack has already created the only five approved
acclimatized Generic New Zealand industrial
hemp cultivars: All Cultivars were approved during 2022
1. Aotearoa 1, 29th July 2008 and
2. A1 Monopurp 26 February 2019.
3. A1 Comseed and
4. A1 MACMono have been submitted for
approved status 2020. Both approved 30 June 2020
5. A1 HCFX was submitted seeking approved
status March 2021

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Tony van der Lem, Director Board member Hempseedholdings Limited 


Mobile phone: 021344505

Director Board Member Kerry Cleland


 Cultivar description plus sub cultivars

Hempseed Holdings Ltd.


The Cultivars has been for sale since 2008 but the vendors are now motivated to move on and sell out at a reasonable price.  This is a unique opportunity to own outright the only Generic New Zealand Landrace Industrial hemp cultivar’s without the necessity to obtain permissions from offshore owners. Vendor has already identified/created the only five Generic Landrace approved New Zealand cultivars, there remains a huge amount to do specifically re homogenization in commercial quantities. The vendor likely doesn’t have the resources or desire to continue time for something different like retirement. Therefore the vendors are motivated to sell at a realistic price


Aotearoa1, 31st July 20082.A1 Monopurp26bruay 2019. 3.A1 MACMONO 30 June 2020. 4.A1 Comseed 30 June 2020  5.A1 HCFX  22nd September 2021

The cultivars have been on the market since 2008 but only a very few serious offers have been forthcoming. This is a unique opportunity to own a serious Industrial Hemp seedstock almost unhindered by offshore or a multitude of owners.

The desired outcome sought  is for the seedstock to be owned by the whole Aotearoa New Zealand  Hemp industry as it develops. To date no collective et al has expressed a serious interest. The vendor has been involved for over 35 years and is motivated to sell at a reasonable possibly even a fantastic price for the purchaser; dependent.

For further information go to


HSHL offers a consultation service usual cost free not because the information is second rate because its first rate and more are needed for industry to acquire critical mass  how to:
Submit a licence application to grow industrial hemp.
A planned approach to growing industrial hemp. Other as required by the client contact Tony van der Lem if interested.

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